Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Neurological Assessment Principles of Diagnosis and Treatment

Question: Discuss about theNeurological Assessment for Principles of Diagnosis and Treatment. Answer: A head injury can take serious turn in the matter of minutes if adequate care and precautions are not take at the right time (Marlini, 2016). In the case scenario opted for the particular assignment two young woman Samantha and Donna were playing soccer when suddenly the ball hit Samantha in the head and she fell with the impact. Clearly she was hurt but she brushed it off for the time being and carried on with her daily activities. However it has to be considered that in case of any head nothing is nominal and Samantha should have visited the clinic immediately to get her head checked by a professional health care worker (McMahon et al., 2013). However as the day progressed the pain in her head got worse to a point and it showed in her behavioral attributes. Hence her friend donna noticing her discomfort took her to the doctor. For this particular case study the assessment technique opted is the PQRST standard nursing assessment technique. Now PQRST technique is the standard technique used for the pain assessment worldwide and is the most clinical reasonable and logical assessment technique in the field of health care (Lundberg, 2014). The PQRST approach starts with a preliminary provoking session where the patient is probed to start the communication about the health related the patient is having. It progresses with communicating with the patient to elicit information about the quality of the pain. The next in line is extracting information of the exact region of the pain and followed by checking the severity of the pain by the assistance any pain rating scale in use (Lundberg, 2014). The last part of this assessment technique is enquiring the patent for how long he or she has felt the pain and if it has changed in intensity along that course of time. The PQRST method of pain assessment is so popular all across the globe is because of the precise and step by step actions it involves. I elicits genuine and to the point information from the patient about the origin, quality, region, severity and time period for the pain the patient is experiencing (Gilron, Baron Jensen, 2015). It serves as the basic ground on which the prognosis and the treatment of the patent will be founded. However in case of a neurological pain assessment the simple and basic PQRST method of assessment is not enough (Freeman et al., 2014). In case of a patient who took a direct hit to head the consciousness of the patent needs to be checked. As the injury to the brain tissues can happen with the smallest of hits and can manifest into a serious health problem. Followed by that the level of lethargy in the paten should be assessed, to ensure along with the motor skills and movement abilities (Andina, 2016). In a brain injury repercussions can include impaired movement skills and immense fatigue that is indicative of brain tissue trauma. Apart from that the patient should be assessed for any state of stupor or confusion as these symptoms are also indicative if internal tissue damage that demands immediate medical attention (Andina, 2016). I Patient: Samantha, age: late teens Attender: Maria, Designation: registered nurse S I am calling about the ankle injury that patient named Samantha has underwent and needs an x ray to be performed immediately to check for any broken bones or ligament tear. B Patient Samantha was involved in a cheerleading practice when while trying out a stunt and then fell on her ankle ad hurt it badly. She felt her ankle roll while she fell and feels her ankle bone is either broken or bruised. She experiences pain whenever she puts pressure on that ankle. A I have assessed her pain by the assistance of PQRST assessment technique through which it was discovered that the severity of her pain to be 4 or 5 according to her and given her medication to reduce the swelling along with walking support. R I assume her injury to be an ankle sprain however an X ray is in order to rule out any chances for broken or bruised bones or ligament tear. Other than that make sure that the patient is given a pain medication to reduce her pain as well. Reference List: Andina, I. D. (2016). Improving Studentsreading Comprehension Ability In Narrative Text Through Pqrst Technique Of Eight Graders At Mts Negeri Jambewangi Academic year 2015/2016. Freeman, R., Baron, R., Bouhassira, D., Cabrera, J., Emir, B. (2014). Sensory profiles of patients with neuropathic pain based on the neuropathic pain symptoms and signs.PAIN,155(2), 367-376. Gilron, I., Baron, R., Jensen, T. (2015, April). Neuropathic pain: principles of diagnosis and treatment. InMayo Clinic Proceedings(Vol. 90, No. 4, pp. 532-545). Elsevier. Lundberg, K. L. (2014). What are internal medicine residents missing? A communication needs assessment of outpatient clinical encounters.Patient education and counseling,96(3), 376-380. Marlini, C. (2016). Developing Pqrst (Preview, Question, Read, Summarize And Test) Strategy-Based Intensive Reading Instructional Materials For The Students In Grade Iv Of Elementary School. McMahon, S. B., Koltzenburg, M., Tracey, I., Turk, D. (2013).Wall Melzack's textbook of pain. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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